Synch will host the Global Legal Hackathon on February 23-25 in Stockholm, Sweden. The Global Legal Hackathon engages law firms, legal tech companies, 


This Green Hackathon brought the event back to Stockholm and the Reactor Hall at KTH, this time with the theme of food. We invited developers, researchers, designers, retailers, food producers, to get together and prototype solutions for a more sustainable food system.

[1] Ett hackaton innebär för det mesta att deltagarna programmerar på vad de vill, hur de vill, under fria former. On Saturday and Sunday the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet, the Stockholm City Hall, was taken over by more than 800 female hackers in what became Europe’s biggest hackathon for women. Antalet svenska hackathons ökar stadigt och nu börjar företag och organisationer se möjligheterna med att hacka sig själva. Så här fungerar hackathon-fenomenet och så kan du inspireras av metoden. Hackathons in Stockholm, Sweden in 2018. SAS LABS WELCOMES ALL HACKERS TO HAX 2018 SAS proudly invites you to help our travel experience reach new heights in our first ever, annual Hackathon. This weekend, the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet, the Stockholm City Hall, was taken over by more than 800 female hackers in what became Europe’s biggest hackathon for women.

Stockholm hackathon

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Find stunning spaces for hackathons, workshops, seminars, and more. Social Sustainability Hackathon program. 07:30 - 8:00 Registration and fika 08.00 - 8:10 Welcoming and practical information 08.10 - 8:20 Challenge 1: Hagastaden 08.20 - 8:30 Challenge 2: Trafikförvaltningen Stockholms läns landsting 08.30 - 8:40 Challenge 3: Haninge kommun 08.40 - 8:50 Challenge 4: One Stockholm Smart Cities Green Hackathon in Stockholm. February 12 -13, 2016, there were a Green Hackathon focusing on smart cities and sustainability in Stockholm. The event was organised by CESC – Center for Sustainable Communications – at the university of KTH and the Swedish consultancy company Sweco focusing on sustainable urban solutions.

22 Mar 2021 Join us at the first nf-core hackathon for 2021! nf-core is a community effort to collect a curated set of analysis pipelines built using Nextflow.

“I joined this challenge due to the lack of discourse surrounding such issues in Singapore. Learn more about AWS in the Nordics at in the Nordics hosted the Hackathon for Good event in Stockholm, Sweden on Sep 25, 2019. It Register your interest now and join PowerObjects in Stockholm for a free two-day Microsoft Power Apps Hackathon event. This weekend STHLM Tech Fest organized a hackathon in Stockholm City Hall with over 800 participants.

The most brilliant impact tech unconference in the world - Norrsken House Stockholm Tuesday, SEP 17 - 2019 The most brilliant impact tech unconference in 

The purpose of the hackaton is to m Facebook och Funka bjuder in till ett virtuellt hackathon för ökad tillgänglighet och inkludering. Studenter från hela Europa är välkomna att visa upp sin produkt  Foto är på deltagare vid det Hackathon som arrangerades inom projektet CECO.

Huawei AI Hackathon Join Huawei in Stockholm to unlock the power of AI! Are you ready to solve Huawei's artificiaI intelligence challenges in just 24-hours time? 3rd Y4PT Global Transport Hackathon Stockholm 2019 Transport Automobile Industry Big Data The third edition of the world’s first-ever global transport hackathon and the world’s top leading global transport innovation contest in the framework of the world’s oldest, large… Hack the Crisis is an online hackathon organized by DIGG, Hack for Sweden and Openhack. The mission is to design, test and execute ideas to solve the COVID-19 crisis for the future of Sweden and the world.
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The women gathered in Stockholm from all over the world, to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry and find solutions for a more gender equal society. Världens största hackathon för kvinnor anordnas i Stockholm. 19 aug 2019, kl 14:03. World's Largest Hack For Women äger rum i Stockholm 7-8 september. Det finns två sätt att vara med i arrangemanget och bidra till Hack for Sweden 365, antingen som medarrangör eller i samverkansgruppen.

The women gathered in Stockholm from all over the world, to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry and find solutions for a more gender equal society. Hackathon för kvinnor i Stockholm slog Europarekord Uppdaterad 2019-09-08 Publicerad 2019-09-07 Bild 1 av 5 Hackare från hela världen samlades i stadshuset för att främja kvinnor i techbranschen.
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Stockholm hackathon

Wikimania Hackathon 2019 will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 14–15 August 2019, during the Wikimania 2019 pre-conference in Stockholm.. The Wikimania hackathon is a working event with limited capacity where technical Wikimedians from around the world meet to co-work on engineering problems.

What hasn’t changed is our devotion to having just as much fun while tackling some significant issues in our society and for humanity! Initiativtagare för hackathon är Schipol, Amsterdam och värdar för arrangemanget är flygplatser i Köpenhamn, München, Frankfurt, Gatwick, Geneve, Stockholm och Amsterdam.

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Together with our partners, we have founded the biggest AI Hackathon in the world to help businesses grow stronger, better and smarter. We are ImpactX

These days, hackdays like MIDI HACK — a large hackathon that has taken place twice, in Stockholm and Berlin — are as much about hardware as they are  17 Apr 2021 was launched in February 2020 SITIS was launched in Stockholm, in the The hackathon is led by the Swedish Institute with support from  The most brilliant impact tech unconference in the world - Norrsken House Stockholm Tuesday, SEP 17 - 2019 The most brilliant impact tech unconference in  19 Nov 2020 We established the evidence synthesis Hackathon to stimulate collaboration and the Open Access funding provided by Stockholm University. 4 Dec 2020 Unn Swanström on stage at STHLM TECH FEST HACKATHON in Stockholm City Hall.